Give all students a chance to start and finish strong through Honors Scholarships!
The University Honors Program is proud to be able to offer some of NIU’s most dedicated students more than coursework in a classroom setting. Through alternative spring breaks, internships, and job shadow experiences, Honors students can see the world from different perspectives while honing their leadership and teamwork skills. We aim to ensure that all students who want to take advantage of the amazing experiences that the Honors Program makes available have the resources to do so. Huskies United is a big part of the UHP’s efforts to raise money to provide Honors students with scholarships and to subsidize co-curricular experiences.
During my final winter break as an undergraduate at NIU, I decided to participate in the International Business Seminar. The International Business Seminar is a two-week study abroad program that provides an opportunity to experience international business and practices in different countries. Studying abroad as an accounting student provided me with an understanding of how business works and learning about the different accounting standards in the world. I would highly recommend all students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad! (Makkah Mujahid)
I worked with two amazing faculty mentors and I learned how to take the initiative and responsibility required for working on my own research project and the opportunity to work independently on something that would have seemed impossible five years ago.
I was able to accomplish all this thanks to the support and initiative the Honors Program gave. I also would not have been able to even attempt this project without the generous funding through the Honors Scholar scholarship. I am grateful for everything I have accomplished while in the program and hope that my experiences can be of some benefit to any students in a similar situation as me. (Caroline Arrell Rosenquist )